Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Many Player Moderators Not Suited For The Job in Runescape

Recently I have been seeing many Player Moderators in Runescape not acting as they are supposed to. Sometimes some new player asks a pmod a question (I know pmods aren't obligated to answer every question) and the pmod either says "noob", ignores the player, or responds using incorrect grammar (u instead of you and ect).

I have also been seeing way too many pmods using incorrect grammar, that (in my opinion) is a bad example of a pmod! Player Moderators are supposed to set a good example for the rest of the players. To me, it is pretty sad seeing a player moderator who can't spell (I don't mean one error in a whole sentence, the whole sentence being filled with grammar errors).

Sometimes while walking around I get asked some questions by Pmods (it doesn't happen like everyday but sometimes it happens). The questions vary - they can be a very stupid question about RS or can be a question about RS1 (like "Were Partyhats tradeable at first?"). Player Moderators are supposed to know almost everything (not to the last detail but very well general. Also don't take the Partyhat as an example. I know RS1 was very long ago and not many people from RS1 still play).

Also, I have seen some Pmods being pretty offensive to others (I know they're humans and have their limits but if they were smart enough to get Player Moderator status, they should be smart enough to [1] mute the player if he/she is being too offensive or [2] ignore the player and go on). I have witness pmods calling people (mostly newbies) things like "loser", "idiot", "imbecile", "noob" and many more names.

The great majority of the Pmods I'm describing were players who, almost, the only thing they did was report players for the simplest (and lamest) reasons (or for autoing ). Jagex gave them Pmod status assuming they were fit but as we might be seeing.. they are not.

This is one example of not-well-suited pmod

I'm NOT saying all Pmods are like this. There are Pmods who are very well suited for the status they hold.

So whats your opinion on this issue?

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