Following on from selling manuals, there are a number of other items which can be purchased from vendors and sold for a profit in the AH. The manuals are nice because you can purchase unlimited quantities, but sooner or later somebody else has the same idea and competition drives prices down.
Some recipes can be vendor purchased but only in limited quantities. vendors will have only one or two of a particular recipe. As you travel to new zones, check each vendor for these limited items - most recipes can be sold for a profit.
These are some examples:
Pattern: Enchanter's Cowl - buy for 10 silver sells for 1 to 1.5 gold.
Pattern: Icy Cloak - buy for 15 silver, sell for 1 gold.
Recipe: Superior Mana Potion - buy for 1.2 gold, sell for 3 to 4 gold.
Plans: Mithril Scale Bracers - buy for 60 silver, sell for 1.5 gold.
There are many more recipes, all with similar profits. Far too many to list here. I honestly don't recommend traveling specifically to pick up recipes. As often as not, somebody will already have bought out the item. It is, however, definitely worth checking vendors as you pass and buying recipes for later sale.
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